Monday, October 15, 2012

Thoughts on Evolution and NI

          How do brain mechanisms that evolved for survival, play a role in decision making and moral judgements? Once identified can we train ourselves to inhibit or excite these mechanisms to use our minds to achieve our goals, better?
        The growing capacities of computing memory and exponentially increasing processing speeds has allowed for the development of cutting edge Neuroimaging techniques that are capable of allowing a person to view their own brain in action independent of language and the limits of conceptualisation. Descartes said that introspection is the only way to access our mind, now hundreds of years later, with real time non-invasive imaging we can silently access our subjective selves. This is signaling a Paradigm Shifting, incredible and definitely life changing for everyone.
       Instead of needing to train from the top down to develop any new skills or break old habits, we can now look into our brains, identify patterns of activity across the neural net and use entrainment or neurofeedback techniques that are accessible with technology to improve ourselves, privately and in line with our own moral compass and intentions for how we want to use our minds.

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