Thursday, June 9, 2011

Critical Reasoning for Neuroscience

Okay, so the brain is incredible. Its vast, and can hold more information in better ways than the best computer. That may change soon click and read.. "When will computer hardware match the human brain?" for more thoughts along those lines. What extent are the nuances of our behaviour and emotional responses governed by functionally
specific parts of the brain? What behaviours and environmental or chemical influences give rise to disorder, or shut down a specific functionality?

I highly recommend reading this blog entry on some tips for critical neuroscience reasoning. Ketyov reminds us some important things to keep in mind when researching or listening to anything related to neuroscience. Over estimating the specificity of language for one, leads to many problems.

Its important to keep in mind that metaphor and similar forms of descriptive language are not caused by a specific "metaphor" region of the brain but are meaningful and effectively descriptive because they activate networks of activity across the brain, for eg, from different sense operators like sensation of sun on the skin to the face recognition region (fusiform gyrus) when thinking of "Juliet as the Sun".

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